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T A M A N dan L I N G K U N G A N

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ragam kreasi furnitur yang memberikan dukungan interior yang pas dan apik.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Amazing and Unusual Multifunctional Sofas

Collection of Amazing and Unusual Multifunctional Sofas
Multifunctional sofa

UK-based product developer, Julia Hamid, has designed the Trio Sofa. A multifunctional sofa and table that morphs into a couple of different layouts that accommodate its user’s need to work on a laptop.For more information, contact the designer directly here.[link]

Space Saving Multifunctional Sofa

Modern furniture is more functional and beautiful. If you do not have much space, but have  manythings. this sofa will be beter.[link]

Ripple Multifunctional SofaAlmost everytime  it  happens that our friends drop in at our place to surprise you.when you have no place for them to sit. better thing is this sofa. Ripple multifunctional sofa from Bon-Seop, Ku is perfect for such times.[link]

Transformable Furniture [link]

If you like, Leave comment.

Courtesy : www.icreatived.com


Party Sitting Elements by Luis Eslava

A collection of Party Sitting Elements by Luis Eslava.

Source: xaxor.com

Courtesy : http://www.icreatived.com 

Ecological Garden Design

Get this clean and green garden design and feel that your live is well.Completely, using modern stuff and the vintage combination were a smart plan to make our outdoor space looking awesome.Here, you will see the wooden flooring system complete with portable planter ideas. [link]

Courtesy : www.icreatived.com

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sofa Ideas

This selection of modern sofa designs comes to you from furniture suppliers B&B Italia, with irregular outlines, rotating backrests and flexible sectional arrangements, you might just find something to suit. 

Black white stripe ottoman  
 Black and bone are always a safe choice when it comes to interiors, a stripe can pep things up a bit. 
A color clash creates a visual impact in a room, you can do this in your furniture or if you’d prefer to play it safe perhaps try it out with your smaller home accessories first to avoid making an expensive mistake.  
Red chaise lounge 
Red sofa  
A deep cushioned ottoman could work smartly when used as a standalone piece elsewhere in a living room scheme. 
A deep cushioned ottoman could work smartly when used as a standalone piece elsewhere in a living room scheme.

Contemporary living room 
Rustic stone wall  
White living room 
Longer runs could create a waiting room effect so be careful with your layout.  
Gray living room 
Orange sofa  
Yellow white sectional sofa 

Courtesy : www.home-designing.com

Friday, November 23, 2012

Lebih Cantik dengan Polkadot

Polkadot atau motif berbentuk lingkaran-lingkaran sempat populer di era 50-an sampai 60-an. Di masa kejayaannya, corak ini telah menghiasi baju-baju untuk segala usia.
Corak polkadot, meskipun terbilang sederhana, mampu memberikan nuansa tersendiri bagi penggunanya. Apalagi, sama seperti corak-corak lain, sebenarnya polkadot juga dapat menghiasi dinding rumah.


Sayangnya, corak yang sudah cukup lama Anda "tinggalkan" ini malah memberikan keunikan tersendiri pada ruang-ruang di rumah Anda. Polkadot dapat menjadi pemanis untuk kamar bayi, ruang keluarga, dan bahkan ruang tamu. Berikut ini beberapa keunggulan menggunakan motif polkadot di rumah Anda:

Memberikan dimensi
Dimensi dan ilusi "kedalaman" dapat Anda berikan di dalam rumah dengan menggunakan beberapa ukuran lingkaran berbeda. Harus Anda ingat, bahwa corak polkadot dapat dibuat dari berbagai ukuran lingkaran, warna, dan gaya.

Koordinasi warna
Kebanyakan ruangan hanya memiliki empat dinding dan satu bidang langit-langit. Anda dapat memberikan "kejutan" dengan menghias dinding menggunakan warna-warni polkadot. Cara ini merupakan jalan bagi Anda untuk mencoba mengeksploitasi warna-warna kesukaan Anda dalam satu ruangan.

Kekontrasan dan aksen
Jika ingin membuat ruangan lebih terang, Anda bisa memberikan corak polkadot dengan lingkaran berwarna putih. Sebaliknya, gunakan warna-warna lebih gelap dan tegas untuk membuat dinding ruangan Anda lebih gelap.

Beda ukuran, berbeda efeknya
Polkadot berukuran kecil membuat corak tersebut terasa lebih "halus" dan teratur. Corak jenis ini dapat Anda manfaatkan untuk dekorasi bertema klasik.
Namun, jika merasa menutupi seluruh dinding dengan corak polkadot bukan pilihan yang baik, Anda tetap dapat memanfaatkan corak tersebut untuk aksen lain. Untuk sentuhan lebih modern, cobalah menggabungkan lingkaran-lingkaran kecil dan lingkaran besar. Caranya, manfaatkan wallpaper bercorak polkadot kecil dan potonglah wallpaper tersebut dengan bentuk lingkaran besar. Manfaatkan lingkaran-lingkaran besar tersebut untuk menghias dinding Anda.

Ketidakberaturan yang cantik
Motif polkadot juga bisa Anda buat sendiri dengan cat. Cobalah mewarnai dinding Anda dengan dua warna. Satu warna sebagai warna dasar dan warna lain sebagai warna lingkaran. Buatlah lingkaran dari berbagai ukuran. Ketidakberaturan ini akan tampak cantik dan lucu untuk kamar anak-anak atau bayi Anda.

Courtesy : properti.kompas.com


Naomi Campbell’s New Home

Naomi Campbell’s New Home In Rublyovka, Moscow ::: Supermodel Naomi Campbell is a lucky girl in many ways, and the fact that her Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin, real estate entrepreneur aka the Donald Trump of Russia, is reportedly building a new home for her is just another cherry on the cake! Miss Campbell is being treated to a futuristic mansion that looks like a docked spaceship in Moscow's A-List suburban area Rublyovka, designed by accomplished architect Zaha Hadid who is famous for the opera house in Guangzhou, Roca Gallery, and the Aquatics Center in London amongst many others.  The extraordinary 2,650 square meter home is named Capital Hill Residence, and centers around two 22-meter-high towers that resemble the mechanical alien invaders from the War of the Worlds.

The extraordinary 2,650 square meter home is named Capital Hill Residence, and centers around two 22-meter-high towers that resemble the mechanical alien invaders from the War of the Worlds. 

Using a mixture of modern technologies and organic form, the eco-style abode appears as a cluster of shiny pods nestled amidst a private surrounding of mature pine and birch trees, located on the north-face hillside in Barvikha.
Using a mixture of modern technologies and organic form, the eco-style abode appears as a cluster of shiny pods nestled amidst a private surrounding of mature pine and birch trees, located on the north-face hillside in Barvikha. 

Space age architecture  
Contemporary architecture 
Modern architecture  
Floating staircase

The design aesthetic of this space-age dwelling was influenced by the legendary work of Antonio Gaudi, who is known for his rejection of straight lines in his architecture, and who prolifically used glass and wood for interior decoration.
The design aesthetic of this space-age dwelling was influenced by the legendary work of Antonio Gaudi, who is known for his rejection of straight lines in his architecture, and who prolifically used glass and wood for interior decoration. 
Space age bedroom design  
Contemporary fireplace 
Space age interior  
Space age living room
Courtesy : www.home-designing.com

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